Merge PDF files into one document in seconds. For real.

Combine PDFs into one file

If you need to combine more PDFs into a single file, we’re here to help. Now you can merge multiple PDF documents into one with our easy-to-use, online tool. Just drag and drop all the files you need to combine and you get a single merged PDF document within seconds.

Simplify your workflow

Work smarter, not harder! It’s easier to store, share and organize your documents if you merge all the PDF files that belong together into a single file. Don’t worry about pages being saved in the wrong order. You can reorder the pages of your new, merged PDF document anytime.

100% free, online tool

All your documents will be available in your free account, so you can access them anytime, from any device. You can even work on merging PDF files on the go! Our tool is compatible with all your devices and works on all operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, etc.

How to merge multiple PDFs into one file:

  1. Upload the PDF file to Xara Cloud.
  2. Sign up or sign in to have it ready for the next edits.
  3. Your file will open on Xara Cloud right away.
  4. Reorder the files as needed.
  5. Download your new PDF file.

Try Xara PDF editor ⟶

PDF editor

All the tools to turn a static PDF into an editable document

99.9% import accuracy for a flawless doc.

Authentic in-line text editing to change text in seconds.

One click image replacement.

Automatic font replacement across entire doc.

Auto-format to
image size.

Apply your business
brand automatically.

Export to various formats including commercial-grade print quality.

Share and
collaborate with others.