Insert images into PDF files for free.

Add your visuals with one click

Visual elements can bring value to your text. We can easily embed images into your document. With one click, you can choose to upload a JPG, JPEG, or PNG picture from your computer, the cloud, or a URL.

Unleash your creativity

Most online PDF editors have limited features, and you can only change texts or replace images within the same layout. With our tool, you can get creative! Add all the images you need, and much more! Explore our powerful PDF editing features to change fonts, layouts, texts, and designs with ease.

Fully editable, online PDF

Transform your presentations online and edit them with ease. We automatically save a fully editable PDF document that you can access, edit, or download anytime, anywhere within your free account. From any device using Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, etc.

How to add an image to a PDF online:

  1. Upload your PDF file to Xara Cloud.
  2. Sign up or sign in to have it ready for the next edits.
  3. Your file will open on Xara Cloud right away.
  4. Add image to your PDF file.
  5. Download your new PDF file.

Try Xara PDF editor ⟶

PDF editor

All the tools to turn a static PDF into an editable document

99.9% import accuracy for a flawless doc.

Authentic in-line text editing to change text in seconds.

One click image replacement.

Automatic font replacement across entire doc.

Auto-format to
image size.

Apply your business
brand automatically.

Export to various formats including commercial-grade print quality.

Share and
collaborate with others.