7 Instagram Theme Ideas using Xara Cloud
Are you on the search for Instagram inspiration for your business? You came to the right place.
Your Instagram feed is your digital billboard. From the millions of people using social media every day, some—hopefully many!—will land on your profile and see your feed. At that moment they decide if they follow, and know more about you, or leave. And if they leave, they do for good.
So how to delight them and make them stay and follow you?
With a beautiful, inspiring and consistent Instagram feed theme. First impressions matter. That’s why people wear a suit to job interviews and meetings with clients.
Your Instagram feed isn’t’ only crucial because to increase your followers. It’s also a reflection of your brand. You build your brand with every impression you make on people —ads, websites, flyers, emails, and of course, social media! You should make sure your social profiles reflect your brand core values, purpose and story. And that visually people can tell it’s you because you are using the same colors, fonts, your logo, styles etc.
Now, let’s take a look at some Instagram feed design ideas!
1. Line in the middle theme
Instagram is a very visual, image-oriented channel—More than Linkedin or Twitter. But adding text and graphics can work well when done smartly. Take a look at how this feels keeps a balance between image, text and graphics, and make it interesting to look at and invite for scrolling.
2. Row theme
In this case, we have horizontal rows instead of vertical lines. You can combine one line of photos—make sure they look consistent, part of the same story—and text, or graphics.
You can also use this feed design to post more horizontal or panoramic pictures that you would otherwise have to crop to post on Instagram.
3. Tiles theme
Less is more. With this minimalist theme, you leave your images space to breathe and make sure you don’t overwhelm the viewer. You can also combine photos and simple graphics with quotes. That is by the way what we do at @xara_realestate, make sure you follow us to get inspiration!
4. Rainbow theme
We have to admit this Instagram feed pattern is hard to maintain and requires more thought and planning than others, but it results in a very visually pleasing rainbow of colors, with smooth transitions. To know what colors to use and in what order, it is helpful to use a color wheel. In our Instagram account, we have done it and we can tell you it’s not hard. It requires planning and strategy.
5. Same filter theme
Maybe so much planning is not for you and you would rather post more spontaneously. The simplest way to achieve consistency is using the same filter.
Now, we don’t recommend using the preset filters that Instagram offers. They are very generic and since many other accounts are using them, your images will not be as unique as they could be.
With Xara, you have 30 filters and you can also create your personalized filter that fits your brand and reuse it for every image simply copying the unique code of that filter.
We give you some examples here but feel free to play with the filters and photos adjustments yourself!
Filter: Urban bright
Effect code: q11101p9133000
Filter: Tropical sun
Effect code: p301p305194225
6. Dark theme
Photos in this theme are underexposed, looking mysterious and dark.
If you are taking your own photos, you can reduce the exposure—the amount of light that the camera is catching.
You can also enhance this effect by using the Red Vintage filter from our preset filters and applying it to every image.
7. Bright and white theme
This theme contrasts with the previous one. These are very bright colors, with high exposure and bring the attention to the objects in your images and not the background.
You can use our Classic preset filter to enhance the photos.