Tutorial: Add Fills to the Fill Gallery, by Gary Priester
If you installed Xtreme from CD but chose not to install extras such as fills, then the Galleries will be rather bare. You can click Get Clipart or Get Fonts to download content, but this tutorial tells you how to add all the available fills from CD, as well as how to add your own Fills. The process for adding content to the other galleries is the same.
Step 1 If you open the Fill Gallery or the Clip Art Gallery and what you see is a lot of white space, or there are folders but with nothing in them, here is what you need to do.
Insert the Xara Xtreme in your computer's CD drive. Open the Gallery (We will use the Fill Gallery for this example) and click Disc Fills...
Step 2 Xara will attempt to located your CD drive. If it cannot find the drive, browse (search in the Look in: drop down list) to the drive containing the XtremeCD disc. Double Click the Fills
folder icon.
Step 3 To add all fills click Add and Xtreme will import all the fills from the various folders.
To add your own folders of fills
You can also create your own folders of images and fills on your hard drive. To add these to your Clip Art or Fill Gallery, click Disc Fills... then
browse to the folder on your computer containing the fills or clip art and press Add. Xtreme will need to create an Index file so that it can catalog the images for the gallery.
Xtreme will create an index for all the fills and create a small thumbnail image for each fill. This may take a few minutes so be patient. The index tells Xtreme the location of the fills, clip art or fonts.
�2004 Gary Priester from the Xara Xone