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Downloading the CCDIST.EXE extra files

IF you are having problems importing XAR, WEB and WMF files into Xara3D 3.04 or later, then you might have an earlier and incompatible version of the Microsoft comctl32.dll file on your system. You can download the updated version from this page.

An old version of the DLL exists on 'as-installed' versions of Windows 95 and NT - on NT this is fixed by Service Pack 3 or later, and the new DLL may have been installed by other software. However, if you find that XAR, WEB and WMF files are simply not importing into Xara3D 3.04 or later, this update should fix the problem.

Once you have downloaded the file, run it (by double-clicking the icon) and the necessary files will be extracted and placed onto your system. CCDist.exe and all files contained within are © Copyright Microsoft.

CCDist.exe - 121KB

Download by HTTP
from http://downloads.xara.com/downloads/software/ccdist.exe