Xara Online Designer Update
Xara Online Designer allows you (or your clients) to remotely edit the text and images in websites created with Web Designer or Designer Pro 11. There was a major update on Monday so that you can now edit text and photos in groups.
What's New in Online Designer
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus
The brand new version of Movie Edit Pro plus has just been added to the Xara site and online store. Movie Edit Pro is the most popular MAGIX product with Xara customers, so why not download the free trial of v2016 and see what it's all about.
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus
All MAGIX products
Designer Pro X10 Stock Clearance
There's a few days left to grab an absolute bargain in our Pro v10 stock clearance offer, ends 22nd November.
Designer Pro X10 Offer
Download The Free 11 Patch
In November we released a patch for all the English v11 titles. The update is free if you already own v11.
More info on the update
Make sure you have the latest free updates by selecting Help > Update within the program.
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Easy Font Replacement (v11)
v11 introduced an easy way to replace one font with another throughout a document (especially useful for replacing missing fonts in imported PDFs), in all Designer titles.
In the Text Tool just right click in the text with the font you want to replace and choose the new “Replace font with …” option from the context menu. Choose the font you want to use instead and click Apply. All variants of the font are replaced across your document, each with the matching variant and size of your chosen font.

“Web Designer was already excellent, and incremental updates keep version 11 at the top”
Computer Shopper awards Best Buy to Web Designer 11 Premium