- The wait is over, Photo & Graphic Designer 7 and Designer Pro 7 have arrived!
We list some of the new features of V7 below and of course you can find full information on xara.com, plus we have an intro tutorial by Gary Priester, intro movies by Xhris (see below), and an updated
Widget Guide.
What's more we have an introductory offer on upgrades from V6 to V7 including a crossgrade from Photo & Graphic Designer 6 to Designer Pro, plus upgrade pricing for all older versions, more below.
- That's not the only offer this month - don't overlook our launch offer on the new MAGIX MP3 17, a 20% discount especially for Xara customers (ends 7th July). Plus it's another month and another country for Xara software (see Other News) and make sure you check out the Xara Xone news this month - Gary himself is the Featured Artist, with his pick of the 22 best tutorial images. See if you agree with his choice!


In both Photo & Graphic Designer and Designer Pro 7
- Remove unwanted objects from photos with seamless automatic ‘magic’ erase
- Improved workflow via new docking system for all galleries
- Greatly enhanced page management via the Page & Layer Gallery
- Flexible 'snap to' object alignment aids all design
- Improved anchoring of graphics and text repelling for DTP
- Better document info and control with tabbed document windows
And additionally in Designer Pro
- Live copies, which all update when one is edited
- Built-in page preview in the 5 most popular browsers
- Easy creation of online presentations and Webinars, templates included
- New ‘eye catcher’ photo & text animation widgets
- Add animation effects between pages and layers
- More web page and graphic templates, more bundled widgets


Visit the Xara graphics forums to discuss or find answers to your graphics needs.

Our pick of Top Talk this month:
Here's something different. Check out the Fantasy Maps created by professional fantasy cartographer Gamerprinter in this thread - 19,000 views and counting!
And stretch your imagination a bit further by joining in this month's scribble thread.
MAGIX MP3 deluxe 17
OFFER: There is a special launch offer on the recently released MAGIX MP3 deluxe 17. Xara customers can save 20% on all orders before July 7th.
Find out more.
Xara in Turkey
We never mentioned that MAGIX had released aTurkish language version of Web Designer 6. Find out more about this and all the other localized versions:
Localized Software.
Academic Network Licenses Available
The V7 Academic network licenses for Photo & Graphic Designer, Designer Pro, Web Designer and Web Designer Premium are available right now. Find out more about our competitive academic pricing on our site or contact our sales team for more information.
Xara News, As It Happens
If you don't want to wait for the next Outsider, you can sign up to the RSS feed on our News page, or you can join our Facebook community - now with over 5300 followers - or follow our tweets at twitter.com/xaragroup.
"Excellent photo editing, vector drawing, and desktop publishing tools more than justify Photo & Graphic Designer’s existence - it might be the only drawing tool you ever need."
Photo & Graphic Designer 7 reviewed by Software Crew
Control the loading order on our webpage
If you want to control the order in which things are loaded on your web page then here's a useful tip; If you put things to the back they load earlier on the website than elements in front. Say you have a header for example, and you want this to load before graphics further down the page, then just make sure the header is further 'back' in the stacking order than the graphic objects lower down the page. Ctrl+B moves things to the back of the stack.
To complement the release of V7, here is a summary of the new features in Xara Designer Pro 7, described by XaraXhris.