Content Aware Scaling and Zoom
This has been enhanced with some innovative new intelligent scaling features.
- Content-aware photo zoom. An alternative to content aware scaling (CAS) whereby the photo remains the same size and the content is intelligently zoomed inside it.
- Alternative 'Content Aware Scale'. When stretching photos there is now two alternative ways to scale the image. The existing method of just dragging the size arrows works as before, but is not so good with some image types. Now, holding the Alt key when dragging one of the side handles in the content-aware scale tool performs a different intelligent scale using an alternative algorithm that will work better with some photos.
- Single prepare button for CAS and CAZ. We have improved the 'prepare' time and combined the two previous H and V buttons into one.
Clone area tool
This is an entirely new tool on the Photo tool fly-out to make it easier to
'erase' region of photos by copying (cloning) parts of a photo from one place to
another, even from one photo to another.
In the Clone tool you simply draw a freehand line around the area you want to
erase (the clone shape is shown as a 'marching ants' dotted outline) then just
drag anywhere on the photo outside the clone area to pick the new source for
this area. You can resize the clone and feather the edge to achieve near perfect
Perspective Correction Tool
This is a new tool available on the Photo tool fly-out, a simple one-click way
to automatically correct common perspective effects.
Brightness Curves
In the Levels dialog you can now create a manual brightness curve which provides
very detailed and advanced control over brightness levels for any photos.
Optimizing Photos
- Auto-downsizing of imported photos. Most modern digital cameras produce very high resolution images, that are
typically unnecessarily large. These take a lot of memory and can produce very
large files. When you import a photo using drag 'n' drop from your File Explorer or using
the Import menu, the program now offers you the option to reduce the resolution.
If you select to have images reduced they are created at 1920 pixels wide, which
is typically good enough for any screen and most print work, reducing the memory
consumption down to about 300Kbytes on average per picture.
- Optimize all JPEGS. A new menu option, Utilities -> Optimize all JPEGs is a
quick way to reduce the file size of documents containing many JPEG photos.
Vector Based Photo Enhance & Photo Groups
You can now perform selective enhancements (brightness, contrast, saturation,
warm/cool color temperature, blur/sharpen, levels) to any part or region of a
photo using the Mask feature (now at the bottom of the main toolbar). You can
adjust the blend of the effect by using the Transparency tool, for example by
creating a graduated transparency you can create a faded enhance effect. And
the Feather slider can be used to create soft edges to your enhanced region.
You can create any number of successive enhance areas, one on top of another,
using the same technique. This provides a very powerful method of adjusting the
brightness, contrast, blur etc of areas of photos in a fully editable,
non-destructive, reversible manner.
Such photo edits now create a new 'Photo Group', which acts like a normal
photo for most purposes, but is also a Group that contains all the individual
edits as overlaid vector objects. Photo Groups can be disassembled into their constituent objects, you can
still select the 'edit shapes' that are inside the group and you can 'flatten' a
Photo Group into a normal JPEG.
EXIF viewer

In the Photo tool fly-out is an EXIF dialog, semi transparent and configurable,
which shows the embedded EXIF values of a JPEG photo. EXIF data is now preserved
on export of JPEG photos and across an Optimize Photo operation.
Simplified photo editing workflow
Now you can just open a JPEG, edit it, and click Save to get an edited JPEG
saved back in its place. It’s a faster and simpler workflow than before, doing
away with the need for separate saves of the .xar file and export of the JPEG.
And yet the the original master JPEG is still retained and can be recovered or
restored at any time, there is still a lossless editing cycle, and you can still
open an edited JPEG file and remove or undo the edits you've performed on the
Edge Trace for freehand drawing

In the Freehand tool, there is a new option on the Infobar which can assist in
drawing of vector lines around the outline of high-contrast shapes or objects in
photos. Simply select this option, and then draw around the edge of the shape,
and the program will analyse the underlying image and draw the line along the
1:1 Photo Resize at 100%

Normally when you resize a photo in Designer it retains the original image and
just changes the resolution to fit the required size on the page (this means all
resize operations are lossless, non-destructive, and resizing an image back up
will result in a sharp non-blurred image again.) Sometimes it's useful however
to have a 1:1 mapping between image pixels and screen pixels, so you know at
100% zoom that you are seeing the full resolution, non-scaled image. So now in
the Photo tool on the Infobar there is a new icon which will resize the image
back to be 1:1 at 100% zoom (in other words 96dpi - the same resolution as the